Craigslist Finds

I like to troll Craigslist for all sorts of crafty things. I have bought 2 sergers and blindhemmer and fabrics in the past and I have sold many things on there too. It is also a great way to get rid of heavy bulky things that you cannot haul to the dump to recycle like bathroom cupboards, piles of river rock, slightly used barbecues and heavy concrete benches…yes, all that has been given away from the Mole household.

This week I saw an ad for this: A velvet hatbox for $5 filled with silk scarves for another $5. Well who can pass up such a bargain?hatbox

The woman selling these items wrote to me during our snowstorm and said she would be willing to come into town and drop off the goodies. What a deal!!! No scary driving over icy roads, so I agreed and then she said since I was a seamstress she would bring more things from her collection. It seems that her grandmother who was a hoarder passed away and the family was going through the storage unit(s) and garages and her home to claim their share.

She said she had some vintage clip-on earrings too along with some clothes if I wanted to have a look. How can you say no??? The earrings were just the type that Nancy wears (big and sparkly) so I bought this collection for $1 per pair.earrings

But the real surprise was what she pulled out of another box:


Every pearl was hand sewn on separately and the dragons were an inch high/thick over padding and all made with pronged rhinestones. The rest were silver bugle beads and coral beads. The jacket must have weighed over 10 pounds. Guess what went with this jacket?


Yes…it is a skirt made in the same fashion with straps…straps? Yes, to hold it up on the shoulders because it weighed as much as the jacket!!!


And one more orphan skirt:


The mystery is the country of origin as her grandmother never labelled anything. The red skirt is a satin fabric and very thick with bird motifs instead of dragons. If anyone knows anything about such garments, please let me know. She was originally trying to sell each piece for $25 and I told her that they must be worth more, even to a museum or Asian establishment as a display feature.

Before I leave you, I wanted to share what Nancy and I did on Saturday:2-hats-2

I made the hats and decided as a determined seamstress “on vacation” that I did not like the floppy ears so I attached strips of boning inside to make the ears stand up straight and then just because a girl can always use some bling…attached sequins on the ears. So many people wanted to take our picture!

It was a joyous respectful march with everything from newborns in strollers, men and ancient grandmas with walkers and wheelchairs and scooters and young boys carrying signs supporting their mothers and sisters.

With only a week left for my time off, next time I have another robe to share and another yummy soup for you. Just got my list of the first wave of brides from the salon…20 to start with and 3 new ones on the 1st of Feb. After spending a month cleaning and clearing out stuff from my sewing room and waxing floors and gathering dust bunnies off of ceiling fans and tall bookshelves…it is time to start the chaos!

Happy sewing everyone!

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60 Responses to Craigslist Finds

  1. Brenda says:

    Women in America already have equal rights. This march was an embarrassment to women. I voted for Trump and I am pro-life. It is MEN who don’t have equal rights over their unborn children. I love your blog and since you brought up the march I appreciate you letting me post my view.

    • mhdwileski says:

      Brenda, you are sadly misinformed. The rights women have in America were fought for long and hard by the women who came before you, who sacrificed life and limb to get them, and to claim that women have equal rights now is just wrong. However, this particular march was not just about women – it was about human rights and dignity, it was about the disabled, it was about basic medical care and affordable drugs, it was about the environment, it was about freedom from persecution because of your religion – and so much more. Kudos to you, Mrs. Mole, for taking a position. I marched too, and as one of the many signs stated “I can’t believe I’m an old lady and still have to march for this —-!” Brenda, you are entitled to your opinion, but at least back it up with facts. On to the subject – Mrs. Mole, I love your finds on Craigslist. I never think to look there, but I’m going to start.

      • mrsmole says:

        I saw signs like that too! Those of us who lived through the 50’s and 60’s never thought we would see such chaos and discontentment and stupidity from our leaders again. But as Mr. Mole says, “no one said it would be easy” but with sisters worldwide fed up with the trend toward less equal rights for all, we all hear the call whether we chose to join in or not. Staying positive and determined to ride all this out to a better future is the goal and I am ready for the next challenge as you are. Thank you for your comments.

  2. mrsmole says:

    You are free to share your views.

  3. LJ says:

    Brenda, I so hope, if you have a job that you make as much as a man does in the same position. I am also pro-life but only for myself. I won’t be one to take away the decision for a woman (and her doctor) who has been raped, has a possible life/death decision regarding her own pregnancy or any woman over HER OWN BODY. Regarding equal rights for men over their unborn children, how about, let’s say then, DNA is done and any man who impregnates a woman, in any way, must be fiscally responsible for said child until they are 21, or takes over parenting of said child if the woman is not fiscally capable? See that happening? Also, does pro-life mean making sure the poor are well fed, helping low income women with birth control to alleviate unwanted pregnancies, whether through Planned Parenthood, local clinics, etc.? There’s more than just uteri involved here.

    Mrsmole. Love the oriental beauties. Amazingly beautiful.

    • Martina says:

      Not to mention climate change, protection of rights for LGBT people, non-discrimination, equal pay for equal work, the need for strong unions, and pride in living in our already great country. The March was about a lot more than choice.

      • mrsmole says:

        In the 6,000 marchers in my crowd, I didn’t see any signs demanding abortions…health care and native American rights, LGBT rights, Latina rights. In fact there were hardly any signs even mentioning his name…as I said before, I am not marching against someone or something, I am marching for…how about a living wage to start with? We have nothing to lose!

  4. Tia Dia says:

    Love the sequin ears! Of course people wanted pictures of you in those fabulous hats! I cannot believe those skirts and that jacket. I am not a hoarder by any stretch of the definition, and often cull ruthlessly and then regret it later. Love that velvet hat box!

    • mrsmole says:

      Thanks, Tia…the box now holds all my stay tapes for stabilizing seams…I didn’t realize how many different ones I had! I was surely tempted to take those garments off her hands…but…I had to shake myself into reality…what will you do with them???

  5. JenL says:

    Great hats! The sequins really adds to those ears. I wasn’t able to go myself, but I have been heartened to see how much we are united on these issues. Also great to see all the photos of the marches in different places.
    I’ve really enjoyed your blog over the last few years. Looking forward to reading about your upcoming projects!

  6. Tee says:

    Thanks so much for marching!!!!

    • mrsmole says:

      For me it was a march to save everyone’s rights as they are slowly being taken away. I stood up for those who have no voice and little rights be it Native Americans losing land and water rights, LGBTQ folks who suffer all sorts of discrimination, people of all religions and colors and nationalities and the basic human rights of health care, decent schools and of course equal pay for women…wouldn’t that be nice? I don’t march against someone, I march FOR and will continue to do so when presented with situations that take away any of these things especially justice. Thank you, Tee!

  7. accordion3 says:

    I love that you marched. There were marches here in Australia too, but not many cat ear beanies. It was quite warm on the day 🙄

    The garments are WOW! I would live to know the story behind them.

    • mrsmole says:

      Me too, accordian…I’m hoping someone has seen this type of garment before and can shed some light on the country of origin. The seller mentioned that they were called “parade” clothes…??? I have been getting emails from ladies in Australia saying they are fed up too so they joined in to make their voices heard.

  8. ceci says:

    Thank you for marching, Mrs.Mole! I’m hoping someone chimes in with an origin story for the lovely embellished garments!


  9. Sarah Gilbert says:

    I’m making a bucket full of hats for our next march and think sequins would be a great finishing touch. We’re taking back the word “pussy” and making it a compliment instead of a threat. Thanks so much, Mrs. Mole, for being a bright spot in so many ways.

  10. mrsmole says:

    It was an honor to walk beside so many other like minded people. We all want the same things…justice and equality in all things while so many things have been already taken away this week. Insurance companies will no longer have to cover yearly well-woman check-ups…what old white man decided that was a good idea? In Laramie, Wyoming they passed a law that any company can refuse services to a gay person and they hope this will spread across the nation…is this right? Maybe to some it is? You go, Sarah…crank out those hats…they will be needed sooner rather than later!

  11. Gail says:

    Thank-you for marching in your state. I spent some time that day writing some checks to PP and the Sierra club. I have been writing letters too. I think I will be writing a lot of letters to my legislators in the future.

    I enjoy your blog!

    • mrsmole says:

      Me too, Gail, they both have had a surge in donations with the latest political events! Thankfully I have one Senator that is working his butt off in the hearings and wants only the best for the people he represents. I like sharing all the weird and wacky projects with you too!

  12. STH says:

    Thank you so much for marching! My partner and I marched in Spokane and it was a wonderful day. I love that so many stood up for justice and equality!

    • mrsmole says:

      It was great walking with so many people who had their own concerns for others and wanting to make this country a safer and more fair for all people. Thank you to you and your partner…waving to you up North in Spokane!

    • TRE says:

      Thank you for marching in Spokane, which is in my home Congressional district. I now live and work in an overseas American military community and participated in the Heidelberg, Germany march along with hundreds of women and men who have committed their lives to preserving democracy for all. As a follow up to the march, please also voice your concerns directly to your representatives in Congress and make them fully aware of actions you want them to take in response to specific concerns.
      I sewed pink fleece hats for myself and two friends and we also had many requests for pictures. The hat pattern we used was a child’s teddy bear beanie that my friend found, and we modified the ear shape to make them cat-pointy rather than teddy-round. It was a cold day and the double layer of fleece helped keep us warm all afternoon.

  13. I think I spent a whole 15 minutes serging my hat about an hour before we went to our local march. I found a bit of choice polar fleece that I’d had for almost 20 yrs. Couldn’t think of a finer reason to make use of it. : )
    The dragon outfit is amazing! I’ve never seen built- in suspenders in a skirt before, but it makes so much sense. A real treasure. Might you do some close-up shots of those motifs when there’s time? Pretty Please? < : )

  14. mrsmole says:

    Sorry Shelley, I don’t have the garments, I just got to take a few shots of them. Polar fleece is perfect for winter marching…good for you!

  15. erniek3 says:

    I”ve seen that bird before. I can’t help thinking that this is work done in Hong Kong (or India) for export. I’ve certainly seen work like that at some fancy Chinese weddings. The jacket is a western style, but the skirt is styled similar to a Chinese paneled skirt. The suspenders make sense: those things are heavy (twenty or thirty pounds). A fully beaded outfit is exhausting to wear, and forget sitting in it. I’ll pass this link around and see who knows something.

    It does occur to me that we will need summer pussy hats as well. Fleece is so easy and needs so little finishing. Perhaps a jersey knit version, with interfacing in the ears.

    The great thing about this country is that we are free to have opinions and march about them. Or not march about them. It’s never an embarassment to have rights or want more. The only people I don’t want to march with are the anarchists; I’m from Seattle, and those people are really scary because they don’t seem to care about people getting hurt alongside them. They seemed to stay home and we were all grateful for that.

    Democracy is noisy. Don’t wear earplugs.

  16. mrsmole says:

    Thank you, Ernie for showing the photos around! Not everyone gets why we march, even my own mother told her friends that she hopes that we all lose our cars and can’t find our way home…nice? Another assumed I would be trashing police cars and breaking windows at the nearest Starbucks…nothing could be further from reality! Anarchists do not represent me, they are simply for violence and can show up anywhere. Portland police said the march was the most civilized they had ever seen and many police wear photographed wearing pussy hats of their own. I agree, we need some summer versions of the hat that will be cooler. We have some time to plan!

  17. Martina says:

    I marched in Boston…we had Elizabeth Warren to cheer us on. What a wonderful, inspiring, amazing day!

    Those outfits are something else. Imagine wearing them?

    • mrsmole says:

      I listened to her speak and could feel her passion…If anyone represents women who want respect and fairness…it is Elizabeth Warren. Her book is wonderful too! Wearing those garments might give me a backache! ha ha!

  18. K says:

    Mrs. Mole, you are an inspiration!

  19. mrsmole says:

    Oh shucks…all this time I thought I was a just wedding seamstress…today all of your comments have made me proud and strengthened me too…Thank you, all of you!!!

    • Elin says:

      Dear mrs Mole, I think you have a wider audience than you might think. Personally, I don’t sew anything more advanced than pillow cases so your sewing advice is not of much practical use to me, but I follow your blog anyway just because I enjoy your writing. The political situation in the US certainly has us worried all over the world, and I am so glad to hear that many of you chose to march, and that your march was a peaceful, happy event. Thank you for a fun and interesting blog and all the best wishes for the future, politically and otherwise! /Elin in Sweden

      • mrsmole says:

        Hallå Elin, thank you for your kind words. Pillowcases are very necessary…our sewing guild makes them with drawstrings for homeless teens and adults filled with toiletries and warm gloves and hats and socks. We receive so many donated fabrics and it is a blessing to be able to use it all to make such items all year. We also make simple lap quilts for elderly people and larger quilts for returning veterans. Simple straight sewing can work wonders by charity sewing for other less fortunate in your own community. Today I am hosting a 2 hour sewing session in my home to make…pillowcases! So, not all my time is devoted to picky brides…thank goodness! Thank you for dropping in and commenting!

  20. Miss Celie says:

    Boning in the ears. So smrt. Thank you for marching too.

  21. mrsmole says:

    Oh Renee, your blog and production of so many hats was just the best thing I saw yesterday. You are so generous!

  22. maryfunt says:

    Amazing finds from Craig’s List. The embroidery is stunning and hopefully will find its way to a gallery. Enjoy the remainder of your vacation. I’m sure there is another year’s worth of brides waiting for you!

    • mrsmole says:

      I have heard from reliable sources that the last 2 bridal shows held in our valley have exceeded all previous attendances…so despite wanting to slow down and do LESS than the usual 80 gowns….I may have to get even tougher if I want more free time this year…you know how that goes, Mary! Wish now that I had taken more photos of those amazing beaded garments to share with you!

  23. racurac2 says:

    It is impossible to agree with everybody at the same time, but you have to stand for what you believe is fair. That’s the beauty of this wonderful country! The skirts reminded me of the firefighters pants with the suspenders heeheheheh!

  24. Ellie says:

    Pink sequined ears! I marched in Denver with my niece and my visually impaired sister – white cane the whole way – but next time we will definitely borrow from Mrs. Mole and make hats with sequined ears. As you say, not marching against, marching for.

    • mrsmole says:

      Good for you and your sister, Ellie! Wow, marching with a white cane in a crowd deserves a reward! A couple of hats with blinged-out ears would certainly make others take notice and clear the way for you!

  25. sewruth says:

    You are such a charmer – buying stuff for $5 and then getting extra bargains thrown in! Who can resist?
    You and Nancy look great – you make us proud – thank you.

    • mrsmole says:

      Seeing all my sisters around the world doing the same thing was the most inspiring! Maybe the lady just thought she wanted to unload her stuff and not have to take it home?

  26. What a great post, thank you. We marched in London as well – no violence, no vandalism, just lots of women ( and men!) getting along together, having a laugh and showing that human rights matter everywhere. I love your blog and your fondness for your brides.

  27. While there were no marches between me and an hour and a half away on an extremely cold day, my thoughts were with all who did march. I am proud to say my daughter marched in Boston with my ten year old granddaughter and our 13 year old grandson. What a wonderful lesson she taught her children that day! From our discussions I know it was peaceful, fabulous, filled with kindness and tolerance and even sunshine. It was a beautiful winter day. While we are proud of our children’s many accomplishments, it all pales in comparison to seeing your child take a stand for what is right and good. Thank you , Mrs. Mole, for marching and taking a stand.

    Those beaded pieces are amazing. I hope someone can provide the provenance.

    • mrsmole says:

      Sadly, so far no one has any idea about the garments but they were really something to see up close! More marches are being planned and our Indivisible groups are making real changes!

  28. Kay says:

    In response to that one lone commenter, I can’t get over how misinformed some people still are. Sigh!!!

    I pondered long and hard on what this march will establish. Whether the march will bring that change. But the more I read about it, the more I feel that people will find the strength in all that unity, community and togetherness. No more feeling scared, helpless or powerless. Together, we are all strong. And that knowledge will empower us to bring the change.

    Those craigslist skirts are exquisite! I wonder who wore them. I’ve bought machines for sewing on craigslist too. I love craigslist.

  29. mrsmole says:

    You are a wise woman, Kay. Women need the empowerment no matter what their cause! I see you have a great list for 2017 of things to make you feel more in control of your world!

  30. I can’t imagine the value of such garments! Lucky you! Thank you for marching! My sister and her friends marched too. We are in Canada and there was a march in every city from coast to coast. I cheered everyone on and was quite visible in my comments on the internet because I couldn’t attend the march. My sister, myself and our friends never believed that we were marching against anyone – only for everyone and their rights!

  31. fabrickated says:

    I love the pussy hat project – its so cool – handmade, individual, fun, feminine, pink, angry, challenging. Right up my street. As for the clothes I just felt they were probably stage wear. The braces would make them hang well on stage, and I think some of the trimmings don’t look authentically Chinese. But I don’t know really – just guessing.

  32. mrsmole says:

    You may be right, Kate…never thought of stage clothes! The pink hats also represent the nurturing spirit of women marching for the environment and lack of justice for all peoples. Never before have women taken matters into their own hands and led with their feet!

  33. Claire says:

    Hi Mrs Mole! The chinese wedding outfits you have here are called Qun Kua or just Kua, they are traditionally worn by the bride for at least part of the wedding ceremonies (usually the tea drinking) and they are almost always elaborately decorated with beads, sequins and embroidery. If you look you can see the traditional marriage symbols of dragon (for the man/groom) and the phoenix (for the woman/bride) on the pink set. The red skirt is missing its jacket, it was probably beautiful and kept by someone to wear on its own. Red is a lucky colour for weddings in China and even though many modern brides there now choose to wear white western style dresses for part of the ceremonies, almost all brides will have a kua too.

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  35. Jane says:

    Thank you for marching and especially for letting your audience know where you stand. Rock on sister.

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